Treatment for Anxiety
An anxiety disorder can develop in a number of ways. It is important for mental health professionals to develop targeted treatment for your anxiety.
Day Programs
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
This program is and based on the principle of accepting what is out of your control, while committing to action to enrich your life. It aims help you learn to handle painful thoughts and feelings, so that they have less impact on you and your decisions. You also learn to clarify what is truly important and meaningful, to you.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
This Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) program helps you to understand and change unhelpful thinking that may be negatively affecting your day-to-day life. CBT deals with the ‘here and now’ - how your current thoughts and behaviour affects you, now.
Project Art
If you enjoy creative expression and want to improve your confidence using a variety of art materials, this program may benefit you. It is also useful if you are unsure of your creative abilities, but interested in trying structured art projects to experience creative self-expression for personal development, and to experience emotional and psychological issues.